Monday, January 3, 2011

An Illustrator

An Illustrator is a graphic artist who specializes in enhancing writing by providing a visual representation that corresponds to the content of the associated text. The illustration may be intended to clarify complicated concepts or objects that are difficult to describe textually.

Illustrations have been used in advertisements, greeting cards, posters, books, magazines and newspapers. A cartoon illustration can add humor to humorous essays.


Traditional illustration techniques include watercolor, pen and ink, airbrush art, oil painting, pastels, wood engraving and linoleum cuts. John Held, Jr.was an illustrator who worked in a variety of styles and media, including linoleum cuts, pen and ink drawings, magazine cover paintings, cartoons, comic strips and set design, while also creating fine art with his animal sculptures and watercolor landscapes.

There are no formal qualifications needed to become an illustrator. However, many established illustrators attended an art school or college of some sort and were trained in different painting and drawing techniques. Universities and art schools offer specific courses in illustration (for example in the UK, a BA (Hons) Degree) so this has become a new avenue into the profession. Many illustrators are freelance, commissioned by publishers (of newspapers, books or magazines) or advertising agencies. Most of the scientific illustrations and technical illustrations are also known as information graphics. Among the information graphics specialists are medical illustrators who illustrate human anatomy, often requiring many years of artistic and medical training.

A particularly popular medium with illustrators of the 1950s and 1960s was casein, as was egg tempera. The immediacy and durability of these media suited illustration's demands well. The artwork in both types of paint withstood the rigors of travel to clients and printers without damage.

[edit]Digital art

Camilla Engman grew up in a small Swedish town named Trollhättan. This is where she began looking at life from a perspective that most of us see only momentarily, and just a few are able to record. Camilla practised her skills at the Dome Art School and later at the School of Design and Craft, Gothenburg University, where she acquired a Master of Fine Arts degree.

Often through animals or people, Camilla’s pictures inspire their audience with a wide range of feelings. Her work has a knack of allowing you to grasp a notion without robbing you of your personal interpretation, regardless of whether it’s an acrylic painting, paper-on-paper or mixed media.

Once you’ve seen her work you won’t need to know this, but Camilla has been commissioned as an illustrator by the New York Times, Converse, Google – to name but a few.

Selected solo exhibitions
Galleri 1, Göteborg, Sweden 2009
Nya Stadsgalleriet, Halmstad, Sweden 2008
ArtStar Philadephia, PA, USA 2008
Junc Gallery, Los Angeles, USA, 2007
Uppercase Gallery, Calgary, Kanada, 2006
Here Gallery, Bristol, UK, 2006

Selected group exhibitions
Applegate Gallery, Santa Monica, USA 2008
Lunar Boy Gallery, Astoria, OR, USA 2008
the Wurst Gallery, Portland OR, USA. 2007
Galleri Rummet, Alingsås, Sweden 2007
Thinkspace Gallery in Los Angeles, USA 2007
Borgeoise Pig in Heidelberg, Germany. 2007
Junc Gallery, Los Angeles, USA, 2006
Magpie, San Diego, USA, 2006
Compound, Portland, USA, 2006
Paperboat, Milwaukee, USA, 2006
Galleri Gåren, Kåseberga, Sweden 2005
Galleri Pictor, Munks Ljungby, Sweden, 2005
Uppercase Gallery, Calgary, Kanada, 2005

Artwork of Camilla Engman

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