Monday, December 20, 2010

Artwork Treatment

Adults : 40-50 years old

Artwork treatment : I make the website easier and approachable with pictures and words to attract them to join the event. Furthermore, the website also gives the information about the event and that will make it easier to attract them. With the picture shows some activities that will make them feel excitement and new experience, it will certainly make them want to join the sports event. I use Photoshop to made this design as the tools are easy to use. And I print this artwork in A4 size and stick it at the 3’x3’x4’ mounting board.

Teenagers : 19-25 years old

Artwork treatment : For teens, I have discovered that they hate a boring websites and lots of articles so I had design the website with the most suitable ways for them. Firstly, I have the news update about what happen in the world of sports to give them recent information about it. Besides that, I put some picture of newest products like shoes or jersey that is eye catching to attract them to follow the website. For them I use a three based colors like black, light orange and grey to make it feel like the modern styles and attract the teenagers.

I use Photoshop to made this design as the tools are easy to use. And I print this artwork in A4 size and stick it at the 3’x3’x4’ mounting board.

Kids : 7-9 years old

Artwork treatment : Kids are love to playing a games, love a colorful paint, and cartoon. So that, I design the website according to their taste to attract them discovered the website. I have made the website is simple because there are more pictures than word to make it simple as kids mind. I also play with the colors by using bright colors which is be the colors that be an eye catching for the kids to see it. Moreover, to know more info about it they just need to click on the pictures to get more details in sports.

I use Photoshop to made this design as the tools are easy to use. And I print this artwork in A4 size and stick it at the 3’x3’x4’ mounting board.

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